Legislative Award Recipients

2023 Award Recipients

Representative Larry Kraft
Senator Ron Latz
Representative Kelly Moller

Past MSFA Legislative Award Winners

Year Recipient

Representative Paul Marquart
Representative Jamie Becker-Finn
Senator Carla Nelson
Governor Tim Walz

2019 Mike Pott
2018 Senator Amy Klobuchar
Representative Nick Zerwas
2015 Senator Vicki Jensen
Representative Tony Cornish
Representative Tom Hackbarth
2014 Representative Frank Hornstein
Representative Shannon Savick
Representative Tim Mahoney
2013 Senator Sandra Pappas
Representative Joe Atkins
Representative Greg Davids
2012 Representative Mary Liz Holberg
Representative Tony Cornish
2010 Representative Karla Bigham
State Auditor Rebecca Otto
2007 Bob Johnson, President of Insurance 
Federation of Minnesota
2006 Senator Dean Johnson 
Chief Senate Author Ann Rest
Representative Mary Murphy
Representative Greg Davids
Chief House Author Steve Smith
Commissioner Michael Campion
Sherry Munyon, Lobbyist
2005 Senator Jane Ranum
Representative Steve Smith 
2002 Representative Wes Skoglund
Representative Harry Mares
1999 Representative Dennis Ozment
1998 Public Safety Commissioner Don Davis
Morris Anderson, Chancellor MnSCU
1996 Senator Steve Morse
Representative Mary Murphy